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LIST | Somalia Ranked the Most Corrupt Country Globally in the Latest 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index

Somalia has once again been ranked as the most corrupt country in the world in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International.


The 2023 CPI score by @anticorruption is out.

* Somalia is ranked the most corrupt country globally.
* Sub-Saharan Africa regional average is 33, the world’s lowest.
* North African region show little improvement with an average of 38…

— BitKE (@BitcoinKE) February 1, 2024

The index (CPI) ranks 180 countries and territories around the globe by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, scoring on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

According to Transparency International, more than two-thirds of countries have scores below 50 out of 100 on corruption indices, indicating significant corruption issues. The global average remains stagnant at 43, with the majority of countries showing little or no progress and some even experiencing declines over the past decade.

Both authoritarian and democratic leaders are said to be undermining justice, something which increases impunity for corruption, and even encouraging it by eliminating consequences for criminals.


“Corrupt acts like bribery and abuse of power are also infiltrating many courts and other justice institutions across the globe. Where corruption is the norm, vulnerable people have restricted access to justice while the rich and powerful capture whole justice systems, at the expense of the common good.”


The report does not absolve the countries that are perceived to be least corrupt and are said to have an impunity problem of their own with their companies and citizens involved in corruption abroad when they engage in bribery to boost their businesses.

For the sixth year in a row:

Denmark heads the ranking, with a score of 90.
Finland and New Zealand follow closely with scores of 87 and 85, respectively.
Norway (84), Singapore (83), Sweden (82), Switzerland (82), the Netherlands (79), Germany (78) and Luxembourg (78) complete the top 10 this year.

Meanwhile, countries experiencing conflict or with highly restricted freedoms and weak democratic institutions tend to score worst. This year:

Somalia (11), Venezuela (13), Syria (13) and South Sudan (13) are at the bottom of the index.
Yemen (16), Nicaragua (17), North Korea (17), Haiti (17), Equatorial Guinea (17), Turkmenistan (18) and Libya (18) are the next lowest performers.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, despite improvement in some countries, most maintain a low score. The regional average is 33, the world’s lowest. Scores in the Middle East and North Africa region show little improvement with an average of 38, reflecting ongoing struggles with political corruption and conflict.

Addressing Sub-Saharan Africa’s corruption problem, the index notes:


“Despite a regional survey ranking corruption among the most important problems that Africans want their governments to address, the 2023 CPI shows that countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have a long way to go in their fight against corruption.”


Below is the list of African countries, from least to most corrupt with their global rank:

Seychelles – 20
Cabo Verde – 30
Botswana – 39
Rwanda – 49
Mauritius – 55
Namibia – 59
Sao Tome and Principe – 67
Benin – 70
Ghana – 70
Senegal – 70
Burkina Faso – 83
South Africa – 83
Cote d’Ivoire – 87
Tanzania – 87
Tunisia – 87
Morocco – 97
Ethiopia – 98
Gambia – 98
Zambia – 98
Algeria – 104
Egypt – 108
Sierra Leone – 108
Malawi – 115
Angola – 121
Niger – 125
Kenya – 126
Togo – 126
Djibouti – 130
Eswatini – 130
Mauritania – 130
Gabon – 136
Mali – 136
Cameroon – 140
Guinea – 141
Uganda – 141
Liberia – 145
Madagascar –  145
Mozambique – 145
Nigeria – 145
Central African Republic – 149
Zimbabwe – 149
Central African Republic – 24
Congo – 158
Guinea Bissau – 158
Eritrea – 161
Burundi – 162
Chad  – 162
Comoros – 162
Democratic Republic of Congo – 162
Sudan – 162
Libya – 170
Equatorial Guinea – 172
South Sudan – 177
Somalia – 180


Corruption will continue to thrive until justice systems can punish wrongdoing and keep governments in check. When justice is bought or politically interfered with, it is the people that suffer. Leaders should fully invest in and guarantee the independence of institutions that uphold the law and tackle corruption. It is time to end impunity for corruption.

– François Valérian, Chair of Transparency International





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