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INTRODUCING | ‘Bitcoin Adoption is More Relevant in Africa Than Any Other Continent,’ Says CEO, Trezor, at Launch of the Africa Trezor Academy

Trezor, a hardware crypto wallet company, has officially unveiled Trezor Academy.

Launched at the Africa Bitcoin Conference in Ghana’s capital of Accra on December 4 2023, Trezor Academy is an educational program with a specific focus on disseminating knowledge about Bitcoin in Africa.

#Bitcoin disrupts traditional financial systems. Its potential is not fully realized yet. How can we change this? Education!

It’s crucial to explain what bitcoin is, why it matters and how it can help you

To accelerate bitcoin adoption we proudly present Trezor Academy

— Trezor (@Trezor) December 1, 2023

Originally initiated as a pilot project in 2023, the Trezor Academy seeks to offer in-person meetups facilitated by local Bitcoin experts. It serves as a platform for individuals in the local community to gain insights into the potential of cryptocurrency.

According to Trezor, the pilot has been operational in:

Burundi, and


In 2024, the company intends to establish academies in over 10 additional African countries. Additionally, the plan involves educating hundreds more local educators to further disseminate knowledge about Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin adoption is perhaps more relevant in Africa than on any other continent,” said Trezor CEO, Matej Zak, adding that its properties provide several benefits related to local initiatives such as payment schemes, microfinancing, and savings.


Trezor also supports Bitcoineta, a Bitcoin-themed car dedicated to promoting awareness of Bitcoin in the West African region, specifically in:

Benin, and

Bitcoineta campaign is being launched in collaboration with Bitcoin Cowries, a Ghanaian Bitcoin education initiative. As part of this campaign, a Bitcoineta-branded Land Rover is set to tour the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), bringing the message of Bitcoin to rural communities and schools across the region.

As per the announcement, the African Bitcoineta road trip commenced on December 1 2023. Trezor noted that the progress of the vehicle will be shared through Bitcoineta’s social media account, and the journey will be documented through video blogs and other media channels.

Trezor Academy has been made possible through the support of the Bitcoin community. Notably, a contribution of 21 Euros from each sale of Trezor’s limited edition, Bitcoin-only version of its Trezor Safe 3 hardware wallet, launched in October 2023, has played a significant role in funding the academy.




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